BanG Dream!


发布日期:2017/04/26 20:21


[野生菌字幕组] BanG Dream! 13 END [720P][x264][AAC][GB][个人翻译][含外挂] [199.3MB]



BanG Dream! TV Animation 13 END



  • 片源:Ohys-Raws / Source: Ohys-Raws
  • 翻译、校对、时间轴、压制、发布:杰哥 / Translate, Proofread, Timeline, Convert, Distribute: Kou_P
  • 出品:野生菌培养室/野生菌字幕组 / Provided by MSRWork(MSRSub)
  • 备注:这是我自己第一次在没有任何原作的参考基础上进行翻译的动画,人名翻译参考百度百科,部分翻译内容参考自官网资料。
    可以说BanG Dream!目前可以参考的资料太少了,一些专有名词还是头疼了一会儿,所以一些地方的翻译内容难免包含一己之见,有任何意见建议的同学欢迎提出!

  • 注意:本片完全由个人翻译制作,纯属练习,我会保证一季动画全部做完,但不能保证时效。片源推出后也许第二天就翻译好了,也需要等个三五天、一星期也说不定。急着看的同学可以下载其他字幕组的作品或前往B站观看,请勿催片!
  • 种子内包含外挂ASS字幕,仅使用方正准圆_GBK字体,供需要的同学使用。视频文件内已内嵌字幕,无需另外使用。
  • ASS subtitle file provided, only used Fangzheng Zhunyuan_GBK font. Use it when you need. Subtitle was already embedded in mp4 file inside the torrent so no need to use the subtitle file again.


感谢大家的支持,2017年1月新番《BanG Dream!》就此完结。几个月来,一直在努力地自己完成翻译工作,虽然累但也很充实,即便是速度上慢一些,但也都好好地做完了。

Thank you for your supporting.  The animation BanG Dream! in 1st season of 2017 is finally comes to an end. I was woking on this translation work for these month. So tired is was, but I'm enjoying this. And despite the slower translate speed, I still finished making all of the subtitles.
Animations in 2nd season which I'm watching were all subtitled by other sub groups so I'm not gonna step my foot in now. I will concentrate on translating the Ren'py visual novel game engine's official document in this season. If any new animation in the future can attract me to do the subtitle work again, I will be back!
So, see you guys and hope you are alright!

